Sunday, 21 September 2014

Cumbernauld 10k and Epic PB Fail! :-)

Today was the Cumbernauld 10k race.  Having lived in, grown up, went to school, and spent the formative years of my life in Cumbernauld I was very much looking forward to this date in my running diary.  I wasn't left disappointed.  

Unfortunately traditional pre-race selfie, fortunately this time not on my own.  

Pre race and I'm very impressed.  Possibly the guy on my left isn't as impressed.

This was the second of the three 10k races that I am now calling 'The M9 Series'.  Last week I took a trip along the M9 for the Stirling 10k, this week it was Cumbernauld 10k, and next week is Linlithgow.  At least the races are getting closer to home!  Preparation for 'The M9 Series' has not been perfect.  Last week I was at a birthday party the night before, this Saturday Kata and I got the last train home from Glasgow after skulling a mixture of wine, beer, and cocktails.  Next week I run the Linlithgow 10k after a charity ball on the Saturday.  I assume that Mo Farrah's preparation is in no way similar.  Last week's late night did me no harm as I ran a PB of 42:30.  This week I was suffering quite a bit from....tiredness, but still recorded a respectable second fastest 10k ever of 42:59 (official results are in already).  I feel a bit flat because it's the first time in ages I haven't recorded a PB at a race, but it's fair to say that two weeks ago (a week ago even) I'd have been delighted with that time.  I am now comfortably running sub 45 mins and that's brilliant.

Kata brings it home in a probable PB time...

...and enjoys a well deserved rest.  

Race conditions were great.  The weather was fabulous, not a breath of wind, and if anything maybe even a little too warm.  At about 2km my feet were too hot.  I was wearing quite thick socks right enough but I have never had hot feet problems in a race before.  Weird!  The course was reasonably flat with a few bumps, but nothing that could really be described as a "hill".  My Garmin recorded an elevation gain of only 46m which is comparable with me running to Inverleith Park and back (which I do on a REGULAR basis).  The second half of the course in particular was scenic and enjoyable.  I think this is definitely a PB course if you happened to be running it without a hangover.  I actually wasn't that tired at the end and could probably have ran better if I'd been in the right mental zone to push myself hard.

Sign of things to come.

There were a lot more supporters lining the course than there were at Stirling last week and being clapped into the stadium on the final stretch was great.    I read in a running magazine that you should at least once in your life run a race that finished in a stadium - well I've done it twice this year (the other being the Kilomathon which finished in Murrayfield).  Unfortunately I missed seeing my dad and granda who were apparently at two points along the course supporting and shouting my name from about 6ft away and I didn't hear them (must have been in the zone).  I really appreciated them coming out to see Kata and I though and it makes the homecoming run even more special.  The marshals and police all seemed to be in a really good mood and encouraged and pushed us all on our way - big thanks to the organisers and volunteers.  Big thinks to my sister as well by the way who arranged entry for us!  Also thanks to the DJ guy who was banging out the massive tunes at about 2.5km.  Excellent!!!!

Finally!  A medal!!!!

Kata and I had a great time and are really glad we got ourselves out of bed and made the trip down the M9.  Kata may have recorded a PB but isn't sure because she isn't sure what her previous PB was.  No matter, the important thing is that I finally ran a race for the first time in my memory where we were awarded a medal!  So happy with my medal.

Finally, this was day 108 of my running challenge and the running run runs on.