Saturday, 27 December 2014

Epic New Garmin, Epic Garmin Fail, and Epic IQ Fail

As a Christmas gift from Kata I received the Garmin Forerunner 620 !!!!  It's an amazing gift and I am very, very happy with it.  Compared to the Forerunner 310xt that I have been using since I replaced my Forerunner 10 it is so light and looks very modern and is just generally awesome.  It comes highly recommended by everyone that knows anything about running watches, it made the Runners World "Gear of the Year" list, and some of the functions are mind boggling.  I can't wait to get up to speed (literally and figuratively).

Unfortunately, on Christmas day, keen to play with my new toy, I suffered a technology fail and for the first time since I started The Most Runningist Year Ever I didn't record my run on a Garmin!  I was gutted.  Basically I didn't know how to use my new watch.  I took it out for a walk in the woods, tested it, then uploaded it to Garmin Connect and so I was confident that it worked.  Unfortunately when I took it out on my run later and tried to upload the run, it wasn't in my History.  Oh no!  There were very nearly tears!  For the purpose of recording my runs I have used the very same run that I did on the 26th December on my log, 5.1km.  Suffering a Garmin failure was bound to happen at some point but to get over 200 days in then have a day missing (Christmas day of all days) is very disappointing.  Ah well, I've used the new watch since then and it works great.  I am certain the problem was with me and not with the watch.

In other news, everyone here in Kata's house is now sick with suspected and/or diagnosed bronchitis.  As I type, Kata and her sister are both in their beds coughing their guts up.  Kata was in a terrible state two nights ago so we went to the doctor yesterday.  He checked her out and diagnosed bronchitis and prescribed medicine to help.  I had similar symptoms so without even looking at me, he said that I probably have the same.  Now.....I have Googled "Running With Bronchitis" and I have since decided to believe I have not got bronchitis as surely only a total idiot would run with bronchitis?  But run I did.  My running run runs on but I think my IQ may have dropped several points.

Wrapped up against the elements, (sub zero temperatures and possible bronchitis) I ran my run.  Ones mind goes to strange places sometimes during a run and today it occurred to me that as well as looking a total fool, I was wearing a motley assortment of gear.


Runners's Rule Book - Rule 3.9
If you head out for a run and you notice that your cap, watch, shirt, shorts, socks and shoes are all from the same manufacturer, head right back in and change at least one of the above.  

I think I am OK;

Hat:  Asics
Scarf:  Buff
Gillet:  OMM
Jacket:  Ronhill
Armband:  Adidas
Top:  Icebreaker
Gloves:  Hilly
Shorts:  Nike
Tights:  Adidas (again)
Socks:  Hilly (again)
Trainers: Saucony

On the other hand, I've just noticed that my iPhone, earphones, and new Garmin all match.  This is possibly not that cool.  Sounds like justification for a new iPhone if ever there was one!

Feeling blue