On Wednesday 13th May I recorded a new PB for the strange distance of 2 miles.
The Self Transcendence series of races held over the Summer months in Edinburgh’s park, The Meadows tests runners on a weekly basis over distances of 1 mile, 2 miles, and 5km. On Wednesday it was 2 miles. My previous PB was 12:42 set last September and I hoped to beat that time, even though I knew it would be difficult. My 1 mile time from a few weeks back of 6:13 made my suppose that my 2 mile time would be round about the 12:42 mark. I wasn’t wrong!
A relatively small number of runners got underway to start two laps of The Meadows. I was slowed at the first left hand turn due to congestion and the tightness of the turn. After this one slight delay, I was flat out as fast as my legs would carry me for the rest of the way. There were some familiar faces around about me that I used as motivation and targets to catch and overhaul. I didn’t do either to anyone but the effort of doing so pushed me on. As my watch ticked over to 12 minutes, I could see the finish but I knew it was going to be tight. I pushed hard and powered away from the guy next to me who I could tell was racing me to the finish. A glance at my watch told me I had 11 seconds to go before a PB was gone and I knew it was going to be REALLY tight. As I crossed the line I heard the time keeper say, “12:40” and I actually shouted, “Yes!” out loud. I was pleased, very pleased that the gut wrenching effort of the last 400m had paid off. Every PB is a good PB.
So I start the Self Transcendence series with a time slightly better than the time I finished on last year. I’ll take that and I’ll chip away at it over the Summer.
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