Sunday, 15 May 2016

Running with Ruby and Kata

We bought a running buggy.  This is the 4th buggy/pram/stroller/whatever that Ruby has had, which is slightly ridiculous, but this is the first one that I have taken for a 6 mile run.

The Baby Jogger XC, Kata, and Ruby
We decided on the Baby Jogger XC, predominantly because Kata’s friend and fellow HBT runner, Fiona, was selling hers – so we bought it.  Running with a buggy and an 8kg baby is surprisingly difficult.  I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me how hard it would be, but it’s hard.  Really hard.  I am sure it’ll get easier with practice.  We took it out for a run around Inverleith Park for our first family run, and it was great.  It’s the first time Kata has been running at all since… ages (weeks before Ruby was born) and it was really great to get out with her – she’s responsible for me running in the first place.  Ruby didn’t seem to notice we were running.  The trail around the park is covered in rocks and tree roots, but the suspension on the Baby Jogger XC is fantastic and Ruby even had the audacity to FALL ASLEEP!!! 


I took our daughter and our new rung buggy out for a longer run the following weekend.  It went well and at the moment every run with a buggy is a learning experience.  I took her down to the cycle path because it would be quieter, wider, and there are no roads to cross.  In order to get there, I had to run the first 3km or so on pavement which is useless.  You just can’t run with  a buggy in a busy city centre.  It’s like trying to ski down Oxford Street.  Pedestrians and roads to cross made progress slow but once we reached the cycle path it was great.  I received a few smiles and waves from other runners and walkers, one girl even gave me wave and shouted “Good job!”.  Ruby was asleep for most of this run too.
What happens if I pull this chain?
So it’s hard running with one arm and sometimes no arms, but I enjoyed it and if it helps me get out for longer runs at the weekend, and gives Kata some well deserved downtime, it’ll be well worth it.  I am excited about the Baby Jogger XC.

On a side note, a lot of cricket seems to be played in Edinburgh on sunny weekends.






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