Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Naked Streaking Streak Streaks On - Dunbar XC 19th February 2017

So once again we ran in the Borders XC series, once again Kata forgot her watch, and once again she borrowed mine, and so once again I was "streaking naked".

Kata preparing to run

Beautiful beach, beautiful day

Dunbar XC is held substantially on a beach and is gruelling.  To say the least.  The course is very beautiful looking out across what is tenuously the Firth of Forth and may well be actually The North Sea.  Unfortunately being a cross country race, I spent the vast majority of the race staring at my feet.  It was beautiful, great running conditions. 

I want to say "Life's a Beach", but I avoid clichés like the plague.
As I write this update on the 18th April, two months after the race, details of the race are hard to recall so I will keep it brief.  Another reason that my recall is sketchy, is that I was out the previous night at my Gran and Granda's 70th Wedding Anniversary celebrations and I had quite a bit to drink.  I was puffing and panting the whole way round and was full of beer.  I was finding it difficult to run and my goal was to finish as quickly as I could so that I could stop running. 

Happy Anniversary Gran & Granda

The course was pretty flat (as you might expect of a beach) with only one very short and steep uphill.  When not slogging through sand it's extremely cross country and very unpredictable terrain.  Some cross country is trail like, some is very cross country.  This was very cross country. 

This was the last of the Borders XC Series for 2016/2017 and my club, Hunters Bog Trotters won the series in both the men's and women's competition.  Well done to Tom and Georgia!

Ruby Hates The Beach.  Really.  She Hates The Beach.

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