Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Winton Trail Race

On Saturday 8th April, I ran the Winton Trail Race

I have never taken part in this race before but I had heard good things.  We started at Winton Castle on a beautiful Spring day.  There was a 10km race, a 5km race, and a 3.5km family event.  I took part in the 10km.  I arrived early with Kata and Ruby and we were able to take advantage of the beautiful castle grounds by sitting about and soaking up the sun.  Happily we bumped into our friends and fellow Hunters Bog Trotters John McManus, Mairead McManus, and Robin Thomas. 

Winton Castle.  Nice day for it.

This was a low key, fun event, and I set off on the race in a relaxed frame of mind.  The route was very picturesque and was mostly through wooded trail.  It reminded me quite a bit of the woods around Nemesvamos.  I pushed as hard as I could, and I overtook Mairead at about 3km.  I told her when I passed not to worry because I couldn't keep this pace up.  Surprisingly, I did keep the pace up.  Mairead said to me later that she was pleased I overtook her because before that she had settled into a plod and my passing her gave her an incentive to up her effort. Glad I could be of some help :-)

Spring has sprung.

So it was fun.  And sunny.  There was a downhill and straight back up again when we went across a bridge over a stream.  There was a steep uphill just at the very end but apart form that it was pretty flat. 
Ruby was camera shy.

The organisers were so friendly.  The finishing medal was a biscuit!  On a ribbon!  A biscuit medal!  Afterwards Ruby was given a spare one by a friendly helper and Ruby then inserted a biscuit the size of her head into her face. 

Biscuit medal.

Results are in and I finished in 44:39, 31st out of 243.  Not bad.  It's under 45 minutes which is always a good target for me when running a 10km race.

Well done to John McManus who won the race in a fantastic sprint finish with the guy in second and in a time of 36:52. 

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