On Saturday I ran the Harris Half Marathon with the instigators of this challenge (Kata and Rachel) and some others from their running club,
Really enjoyed it. I think 13.1 miles is a good distance - it's challenging without being ridiculous like say....a marathon!
It was a great event very well organised. We were picked up in a bus at Tarbert that drove us to the start of the race. We then ran the 13.1 miles (~20.08 km) back to Tarbert. The bus journey out to the start made us realise just how far we were about to run. Then scenery was beautiful. Turquiose water and white sand. Someone said it was a race of two halves which I agree with. The first half the scenery was beautiful, the second half all I could really see through my sweat and sun-tan-lotion stained shades was the side of rocky hills. And what hills!!!! There was one from about 5 miles - 8 miles that was just never ending. Every time you thought you were getting to the top, it was a false summit and it kept going. Right at the end it got very steep. At the very steep point I gave up on achieving a PB which up until then I was just about on course for. I decided just to run and accept that it was a very challenging course See the race details and elevation map
here. In the end I finished in 1hr 47min 11sec which was a PB by just over 2 mins. I am very pleased with that. I actually thought my PB for a half marathon was 1hr 47min something so at the end I was running full tilt to get into the 46 minutes (I failed). Turned out I needn't have bothered :-)
Great day. I felt strong during the race despite the uphill struggle and unfortunate headwind. We went to the pub after as is the HBT tradition and drank there, on the ferry home, and back in Uig.
Plus the medal ribbons were made of Harris Tweed - awesome!
The race was day 30 of consecutive running.
Here's the latest log.
N.B. Kata suggested I add to the blog some detail about what I ate and things like that. It's a good idea. I was very conscious not to eat too much before the race. At this year's Genlivet 10k I over-ate at breakfast and running on a full stomach was not good. So I had porridge and toast and some berries. I didn't eat all of the porridge and I was a little hungry before the race, but I felt fine during the race. I had one jelly baby at the 3rd water station which I felt like I needed. I will never know if it helped or not unless I was to re-run the race without having the jelly baby.