Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Steve C's 30th Birthday OCP, and Ice Bucket Nonsense

On Friday we ran to OCP to have a beer in celebration of Steve Carnie's 30th birthday.  We don't normally need an excuse to run to the pub on Friday but it just so happened that on this occasion we had one.  This was the 2nd of at least 3 birthday celebrations that Steve had that I know about!  Good effort - it is a landmark birthday after all.

Wait...who is taking the photo?!

Kata and I ran Arthur's Seat on Monday.  It was good to run with Kata again and she needed the run to boost her confidence ahead of The Beast this coming weekend.  She is still recovering from her injury.  We ran 10km in a nice time (not to fast, not to slow) and I am certain that The Beast will not be a problem.  In fact it'll be fun! 

Not running related but also in the news is all this ice bucket stuff that has over-run my Facebook feed like a Russian aid convoy in Ukraine (and about as welcome).  I was eventually and inevitably nominated and not wishing to b a spoilsport, I partook of the challenge along with Kata and Jess.  Here's the evidence.  

Sporting my "I Believe in the Blerch" shirt

If you think you hear bad language in this video, you don't.  It's actually Hungarian for "cold".  Yeah. That's it.  Hungarian for "cold". 

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