Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Bakonyi Zarándok futás - Results

Well the official results for the  Bakonyi Zarándok futás (Bakonyi Pilgrim Run?) are in and would you credit it, but I finished 4th man!
1 Balhási Ákos 82 Jánosháza 1:13:21 
2 Kanyár Tamás 83 Veszprémi Triatlo 1:20:28 
3 Horváth Áron 80 Győr 1:23:28 
4 Laverty Steven 80 Hunters Bog Trott 1:23:32 
5 Hegedüs András 91 Székesfehérvár 1:24:37 
6 Ifj. Kerner László 83 Nagyesztergár 1:25:18 
7 Knapig Péter 79 Császártöltés 1:25:27 
8 Szűcs Dávid 87 Veszprém 1:28:15 
9 Mada Attila 82 Győr 1:34:00 
10 Szén György 79 Gencsapáti 1:40:54 
11 Hehl Balázs 83 Budapest 1:42:57 
12 Békefi Antal 81 Veszprém 1:42:59
I kind of regret not chasing down Yellow Shirt now and finishing third.  In fairness, he at least once stopped me from going even further off piste so fair's fair.  Notice also that I finished nearly 1 minute ahead of the leader of the pack that I overtook three times.  Further notice that in place of where most people seen to have their home town, I have "Hunters Bog Trotters".  I couldn't read the entry form so I just did what Kata told me and wrote the club name there!

To celebrate, here are some some ambient, scenery shots that Kata took of either Zirc or Bakonybel.

Runners mingling at the start, so presumably Bakonybel

I'll take whatever help I can get...

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